With nary two short hours before kickoff, I find myself in a bit of a malaise. Is it possible that I'm hung over on football already? Couldn't be. That would somehow imply that I stopped at any point long enough to sober up, which of course is something I haven't remotely done. I can tell that if I had the displeasure of running one of the leagues I'm in - the unenviable position I found myself in last year and Jeremy finds himself in this year - you wouldn't be reading my words right now. Instead, the loquacious writing of an AP beat copy jockey would be summarizing an emergency situation involving myself, a goat, a tall building and Little Richard. Lets just say if I'm going down, I'm taking them with me.
My prayer is that by kickoff and a couple dozen beers I'll be feeling like my vibrant self again. As a side note, during that same prayer I add that nailing down our guru's to review by tomorrow would be peachy keen. God, being his usual apathetic self, will completely ignore my prayer and in an act of biased punishment simultaneously relieve me of my manhood and this website of any felicitous functionality.
Barring any unforeseeable interruptions or distractions, I should have a list of hot seat names by tomorrow. I'll post them as soon as I can along with corresponding studio-shot and posed photos of each guru. 'Cause these guys are a real dish to look at. And because I'm going to use their floating heads to spice up a graph. But that's my secret project; don't tell anyone.
We, along with Rhodes scholar and overall devilishly handsome Alex, are working on getting a banner together for the website. Once it's out, and trust me you'll know, feel free to download it and put it up on your myspace pages, facebook profiles, websites, ect. We're trying to get the word out so more than a small group of people know how much Jeremy and I suck.
Not that this has anything to do with anything, but The Shin's new album Wincing the Night Away is really good, though a bit different from the rest of their stuff. In fact, just listening to it has put me in a better mood.
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